Political Parties: What Really Matters, Part One

It is the morning of February 12, 2021. Normally I don’t include a date in my posts as the title of this blog is Absolute Truth and Freedom and absolute truth by definition is timeless. If Western philosophical beliefs are new to the reader, perhaps I should explain. One of the tenants of Western philosophical ideas is that fact that some things are always true. True in the past, true today, and true for eternity. Always true. An item that is always true is known as absolute truth. Absolute truth can also be referred to as capital T truth. Since I have based my life on the existence of capital T truth and the belief that absolute truth is timeless, why date this post? Perhaps because I am at a milestone of sorts. You see, six years ago this month, I published the first post on the Absolute Truth and Freedom site, and it has been almost two years since my last post. Why the gap? I’m not sure I can put my finger on it. It is not because I haven’t felt the need to write as I have dozens of unedited, or half finished posts in the que. Perhaps I haven’t felt that any of the material was complete, or timely, or perhaps I really don’t know why. I do know this, while I can’t say why I didn’t publish anything the last half of 2019, I do know why I didn’t post anything during 2020. The reason is information overload. First it was Covid-19, then it was the elections, or both, and all of their many connections. I’m retired, I have plenty of time to read, watch television, do online research, and let me tell you, there hasn’t been enough hours in a day to keep up with the constant flow of information. I didn’t have time to comment on anything while attempting to educate myself on a potentially lethal disease as well as the most controversial election year in my lifetime. I feel so sorry for those folks trying to make sense of what they were seeing and hearing while trying to earn a living, raise kids, maintain a home, vehicles, etc., not to mention those who were out of work during Covid concerned with food and shelter. And yet, although retired, I could not keep up with current events, much less sort truth from fiction.

At any rate, I feel as getting back on the horse is in order. Some may recall that I am a lover of words. Human beings think in words, express their ideas in words, create in words. Words are the basis of all communication. If human interaction occurs through words, then for human beings to communicate, the words they use must be common and consistent. Certainly humans can communicate on some level thorough gestures, but in my opinion not much of deep importance can occur without a shared and consistent language. Because I believe language must be consistent, I am against this thought of “living languages”. Please explain to me why the meaning of a word should change over time. Why? Just use the word that applies, don’t change the meaning of an established word to suit a need.

For instance, examine the words conservative and liberal. Viewed from a legal standpoint the word conservative means slow to change, and liberal means quick to change. From a fiscal standpoint conservative means thrifty, while liberal would indicate overindulgence. Why have we hijacked these terms to describe all residents of the United States? Why are we working to put all people in one of two boxes? The truth is that I am most definitely legally conservative. I’m not indicating that all laws are perfect and need to be left alone. I just believe we should be slow to change them. Be certain that what we propose is better than what we already have. From a financial standpoint, I am likely to be conservative with your money, because after all it is “your money” and liberal with my own, as it is mine. So you see, I don’t fit in either box. I don’t feel that I’m all that unusual. So where do you, the reader fit. I would believe that like me, most are out of the box, yet those that wish to control us must decide if another is friend or foe by making them fit one of two boxes. Think about it.